When will Aramco salaries be disbursed 2020
Saudi Aramco salary payment dates
»The date of Aramco’s salary payment in Gregorian for March 3/2020
Wednesday 01/08/1441 AH, corresponding to 25/03/2020 AD
»The date of Aramco’s salary payment in Gregorian calendar for April 4/2020
Saturday 02/09/1441 AH, corresponding to 25/04/2020 AD
»The date of Aramco’s salary payment in Gregorian for the month of May 5/2020 Monday 10/2/1441 AH corresponding to 25/05/2020 AD
»The date of Aramco’s salary payment in Gregorian calendar for June 6/2020
Thursday 04/11/1441 AH, corresponding to 25/06/2020 AD
»The date of Aramco’s salary payment in Gregorian calendar for July 7/2020
Sunday 04/12/1441 AH, corresponding to 26/07/2020 AD
»Aramco’s salary payment date for August 8/2020
Tuesday 06/01/1442 AH, corresponding to 25/08/2020 AD
»The date of Aramco’s salary payment in Gregorian for the month of September 9/2020
Thursday 08/02/1442 AH, corresponding to 24/09/2020 AD
»The date of Aramco’s salary payment in Gregorian calendar for October 10/2020
Sunday 08/03/1442 AH, corresponding to 25/10/2020 AD
»The date of Aramco’s salary payment in Gregorian for November 11/2020
Wednesday 10/04/1442 AH corresponding to 25/11/2020 AD
»The date of Aramco’s salary payment in Gregorian for the month of December 12/2020
Thursday 10/05/1442 AH corresponding to 12/24/2020 AD
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