تصميم  كروت وبطاقات تهنئة ومعايدة

Design cards and greeting cards

برنامج كتابة على الصور

Word wallpapers and images

Enjoy a collection of the most beautiful and elegant images and backgrounds of flowers and roses within an application writing on images.

Give a bouquet of the most beautiful roses accompanied by the thinnest and fresher words to family and friends through a photo writing program, you can also share the image via social media, Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Instagram ... etc.

You can celebrate your special occasions in a new and distinctive way through Design greeting cards For different occasions, birthdays, engagement or marriage, Valentine's Day and many other special occasions.

The application of writing on pictures contains photos album, bouquets of flowers and roses of various shapes, colors and types with high quality HD

Download the application now and enjoy the most beautiful Plus, our advanced editing features let you customize everything from line spacing to font size and color Distinctive

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