
Eid al-Fitr greeting cards

A set of designs for Happy Eid Al Fitr Greeting Cards Ready - Happy Eid Al Fitr A new set of greeting cards has been collected for our distinguished visitors to help them produce the best design for Greeting Al Fitr. Happy New Year […]


When will Aramco salaries be disbursed 2020

Saudi Aramco salaries payment dates for March 3/2020 Aramco salaries payment dates for March 3/2020 Wednesday 01/08/1441 AH corresponding to 25/03/20 AD »April 4/2020 Aramco salaries disbursement date for April 4/2020 Saturday 02/09/1441 AH corresponding to 25/04/2020 AD »[…]


“Samba” decides to spend its high cost of living allowance for its employees and bear the value-added tax

Issa Al-Issa, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Samba Financial Group, announced that the group decided to disburse a cost-of-living allowance for the group's employees, and bear the value-added tax and loan fees for its clients from our brave soldiers at the southern border, in line with the orders […]


Writing application on pictures

Etiam metus mauris, viverra scelerisque sollicitudin eu, accumsan nec dolor. Fusce commodo hendrerit turpis quis commodo. Duis ex libero, ornare sed eros quis, facilisis bibendum ligula. Nullam nec velit risus. Donec id ligula sit amet
