صور وخلفيات تراثية

Traditional pictures and wallpapers

تطبيق كتابة على الصور

Images of heritage

Add a new set of images and backgrounds inside Photo writing program, Pictures and heritage backgrounds bearing features and details of different civilizations for different countries.

  • Includes classification Pictures and wallpapers With authentic Arab features
  • Pharaonic images and wallpapers
  • Pictures and backgrounds of holidays and Asian events
  • Islamic pictures
  • And other old heritage photos

You can use these images in several different uses as a background for ancient historical information, write phrases and congratulatory phrases for different occasions and share them directly on social media through the program writing on images. As the program also contains a distinctive and renewable group of Arabic and English fonts.

Download the program now and create the most beautiful designs

تطبيق كتابة على الصور