Update "Write on Pictures" application to support iPhone X

تم بعون الله اصدار النسخد الجديدة الداعمد للايفون اكس الجديد iphone x. كما تم اصلاح مجموعة من الاخطاء المشاكل التي ابلغنا بها عملائنا الافاضل. تفضلو بتحميل النسخة الجديدة الآن:




افضل واسهل تطبيق عربي مجاني للكتابة على الصور ونشرها مباشرة وبكل سهولة الى الانستقرام والفيسبوك و الوتسابة و السناب جات وغيرها.
A very interesting program that supports the Arabic and English languages.
You can write and change the font (Arabic and English fonts), size and color as you like and store the image in high clarity or publish it directly from the program without moving to the album.
The only Arab program that contains these features and ease. Suitable for all tastes and ages.

People participated in the Eid, Hajj, New Year and Ramadan occasions, and wrote beautiful phrases on the picture, such as “Happy New Year,” and published them through GAT, chat programs and photo programs.

Communicate with your friends and family around you in a manner written on it with words that may make them happy or comfort them with their sorrows
You were the best and distinguished with your pictures easily, express your heart and feelings in the picture and write what is in your mind.
Professional in the program and be a director of similar images to Photoshop for free, very quickly and easily.

The application supports direct publishing service through the following applications:

- snap chat
- What's Up
- The email
- Facebook
- SMS messages
- Online chat
And many other programs that support the direct publishing service.

استمعنا الى اقتراحاتكم وكما وعدناكم بالافضل
الاصدار الجديد يحتوي على خطوط عربية مميزة جدا وختيار اللوان كثيرة وتحكم اسهل بحجم الخط
تم اصلاح بعض الاخطاء وتحسين واجهة المستخدم



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